Grand Place

Top 1% of attractions in Brussels
9 / 10

10 expert reviews

“Brussels' incomparable central square tops any itinerary.”

– Lonely Planet

Fodor's Fodor's
"This jewel box of a square is arguably Europe's most ornate and most theatrical." Full review
Let's Go Let's Go
"The historic center of Brussels is a grand place known, naturally, as the Grand Place." Full review
Make sure to return once the sun goes down, when the famous Guildhall buildings, including the Hôtel de Ville and the Maison de Roi, are dramatically illuminated.
Frommer's Frommer's
"Bursting with Gothic façades, the Grand'Place is one of Europe's largest and lovliest city squares." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
3 Stars
"There is nothing like the Grand-Place in the world. It is the centre of Brussels and a spectacle in its own right." Full review
Afar Magazine Afar Magazine
"Grand Place is Brussels’ UNESCO-listed central market square. Standing in its cobbled centre and doing a 360-degree turn to take in all of the stunning architecture is a must." Full review
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