The Restaurant at Mirador Acapulco Hotel

The restaurant at El Mirador Acapulco Hotel is mentioned by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Out of 4 professionals that we tracked, 3 referenced the restaurant, such as Frommer's, DK Eyewitness and Rough Guide.

Mirador Acapulco Hotel
7 / 10
Frommer's Frommer's
"La Perla restaurant affords stunning views of the cliff-diving show ($25 minimum during show; menu is a la carte)"
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"Now a nice hotel, with great bay views, cliff divers daily, and close to Old Acapulco restaurants and beaches"
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"There are three pools and a bar/restaurant on site, from which you won’t have to pay the M$100–250 charge to see the divers plummet"
From $41 / night
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