
White and Blue Restaurant vs Grand Cafe'

White and Blue Restaurant and Grand Cafe' are both rated very highly by professionals. Overall, White and Blue Restaurant is the choice of most reviewers compared to Grand Cafe'. White and Blue Restaurant has a TripExpert Score of 85 with positive reviews from 2 reviews such as Frommer's, Lonely Planet.

White and Blue Restaurant
White and Blue Restaurant
7 / 10
63, Iskadar El Akbar, Shatby, Alexandria, Amfoussi, Alexandria, Egypt
From $0 /night
Frommer's Frommer's
"The menu is an odd mix of traditional Egyptian favorites (it has a wonderful, thick lentil soup) and Greek dishes such as moussaka and souvlakia." Full review
Grand Cafe'
Grand Cafe'
8 / 10
26th Of July Rd. Beside Egyptian Sea Scout, Alexandria, Egypt
From $0 /night
Frommer's Frommer's
"This stylish, upmarket lunch cafe on the waterfront is one of the very few places in Alexandria that's directly on the water." Full review
Fodor's Fodor's
"Adjacent to the Tikka Grill and under the same management, this outdoor restaurant is one of the coziest, most romantic places in Alexandria." Full review