
Hotel Miramar vs Hotel Touring

Hotel Miramar and Hotel Touring are both praised by experts. Overall, Hotel Touring is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Miramar. Hotel Touring has a TripExpert Score of 80 with recommendations from 2 publications like Rough Guide, Frommer's.

Hotel Miramar
Hotel Miramar
7 / 10
22, rue Leon l'Africain, Casablanca 20000, Morocco
From $0 /night
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"Only 50m from the CTM, this is currently the cheapest of the little hotels in the city centre."
Hotel Touring
Hotel Touring
7 / 10
Rue Allal ben Abdallah, Casablanca, Morocco
From $0 /night
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"A friendly old French hotel that’s been refurbished and is excellent value, with clean, comfortable rooms."
Frommer's Frommer's
"This friendly old girl has had a recent lick of paint and is the best of a number of budget hotels along this street." Full review