
Cafe de los Deseos vs Miss Junies

Both Cafe de los Deseos and Miss Junies are endorsed by professional travelers. Overall, Cafe de los Deseos ranks marginally better than Miss Junies. Cafe de los Deseos comes in at #1 in Costa Rica with recommendations from 2 sources including Travel + Leisure, Lonely Planet.

Cafe de los Deseos
Cafe de los Deseos
7 / 10
Barrio Otoya, Calle 15 Avenida 11. From Inst. Meteorologico 100 west and 10 north. House #1153 In front of the railroad, Casa 1153, 2001-1000, Costa Rica
From $0 /night
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"Surprisingly, frozen coffee hasn’t really become a thing in Costa Rica. But on a hot day in San José, there is one place to go for a Frappuccino-style beverage—Café de Los Deseos. The..." Full review
Miss Junies
Miss Junies
7 / 10
unknown, Tortuguero, Costa Rica
From $0 /night
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"Miss Junie came to Totuguero from Nicaragua and brought her culinary expertise with her, which she channeled into establishing one of the best-known and longest-standing restaurants in the area." Full review