The Restaurant at Hotel du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens

The restaurant at Hotel du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens is recommended by travel writers. Out of 10 reviews that we tracked, 4 recommended the restaurant, such as Lonely Planet, DK Eyewitness and The Telegraph.

Hotel du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens
9 / 10
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The hospitality is old-school courteous, and there's an excellent restaurant on site with a wine selection exceeding 600 varieties"
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"The rooms have been glamorously furnished and opulently decorated, and the food in the three AA Rosettes restaurant is extremely refined"
The Telegraph The Telegraph
"The connoisseur’s choice, and that of a galaxy of A-list celebrities, this is a luxury boutique hotel in a B-listed Victorian terrace of five townhouses in the fashionable West End, offering a country house vibe, opulent rooms and an award-winning restaurant"
Star Service Star Service
"The oak-paneled restaurant lies at the heart of the operation, and is a tribute to this chain's reputation for fine food and wine"
From $101 / night
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