The Pool at Simonton Court Historic Inn and Cottages

The pool at Simonton Court Historic Inn and Cottages is recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Out of 4 publications tracked on TripExpert, 4 praised the pool, including Fodor's, Frommer's and Travel + Leisure.

Simonton Court Historic Inn and Cottages
7 / 10
Fodor's Fodor's
"But top-of-the-line units occupy a Victorian home and the town house facing the property's pool and brick-paved breakfast courtyard"
Frommer's Frommer's
"The two corners of the main pool are fragments of the brick walls of the water cistern that once stood on the very spot"
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
" Brick walkways guide guests to the four 24-hour pools where a large, complimentary continental breakfast is served daily"
Star Service Star Service
"These four units share their own pool, though guests from other buildings have been known to pool-hop"
From $263 / night
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