
Claridge's vs The Lanesborough

Both Claridge's and The Lanesborough are recommended by professional travelers. Overall, Claridge's scores slightly better than The Lanesborough. Claridge's has a TripExpert Score of 90 with positive reviews from 18 reviewers like Frommer's, Jetsetter and goop.

9 / 10
Brook Street, London W1K 4HR
From $472 /night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Laundy Room
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Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"One of London's finest hotels."
Concierge Concierge
"Hip as it may be... Claridge's remains one of this city's exemplary grand hotels."
Fodor's Fodor's
"The well-heeled have been meeting—and eating—at Claridge's for generations, and the tradition continues at... this super-glamorous London institution." Full review
Time Out Time Out
"Claridge’s is sheer class and pure atmosphere, with its signature art deco redesign still simply dazzling." Full review
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"Favored by the European aristocracy in the 19th century... Mayfair’s Art Deco jewel attracts showbusiness, glitterati, and corporate guests."
Star Service Star Service
"In the exclusive Mayfair district, two blocks south of Oxford Street, Claridge's is among the most impressive of London's traditional deluxe hotels and a tribute to art-deco design." Full review
Gayot Gayot
"Since 1853, Claridge's has served as the hallmark of hotel excellence."
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"A classic that’s as popular now as it was in the 20’s, this spot in chichi Mayfair is the epitome of elegance." Full review
BlackBook BlackBook
"Expect a lot from hotel of this standing, where Coco Chanel chic merges with attentive, impeccable service."
Zagat Zagat
"This Mayfair grande dame has been hosting royalty, celebrities and other luxury lovers since the 19th century."
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The Lanesborough
The Lanesborough
8 / 10
Hyde Park Corner, London SW1X 7TA
From $649 /night
  • Pet Friendly
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
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Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"Lavishly appointed rooms with impressive technological extras."
Fodor's Fodor's
"If you're willing to spend, spend, spend, this hotel is for you." Full review
Oyster Oyster
"An excellent staff, luxurious touches, and exclusive location on the busiest corner of Hyde Park make the Lanesborough a great luxury pick." Full review
Time Out Time Out
"Considered one of London’s more historic luxury hotels, the Lanesborough was in fact redeveloped – impressively – only in 1991." Full review
Insight Guides Insight Guides
"Deluxe hotel overlooking Hyde Park Corner. The stately neoclassical facade of the former St George’s hospital complements the ­opulent Regency-style interior."
Star Service Star Service
"Remains one of the permanent members on London's short list of stellar hotels, a blend of the traditional sophistication of the Dorchester with the consummate service and amenities of the Four Seasons." Full review
Gayot Gayot
"This hotel is noted for having all the latest high-tech gadgetry --- cleverly concealed within a sea of mahogany furnishings."
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"A Georgian-style building overlooking Hyde Park, the Lanesborough maintains the elegance of an 18th-century private residence." Full review
Forbes Travel Guide Forbes Travel Guide
5 Stars
"The Lanesborough is one of the city’s most regal hotels, not to mention an ideal base for exploring nearby Hyde Park, Piccadilly and Knightsbridge." Full review
Star Service Star Service
"Built in 1828 and located in the swankiest area of London, opposite Hyde Park and a 10-minute walk from Harrodshis Regency gem has been comprehensively and meticulously refurbished." Full review
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