
Cafe Arabe vs Le Blokk

Both Cafe Arabe and Le Blokk are rated highly by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Le Blokk is the choice of most professionals compared to Cafe Arabe. Le Blokk comes in at #10 in Marrakech with recommendations from 3 publications like Lonely Planet, Fodor's and Frommer's.

Cafe Arabe
Cafe Arabe
8 / 10
184, rue Mouassine, Medina, Marrakech, Morocco
From $8 /night
Insight Guides Insight Guides
"With an Italian/Moroccan menu that includes lasagne, tagine and briouates (stuffed pastries), this is one of the best places for lunch in the medina."
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"A sophisticated bar and restaurant in the heart of the Medina and very handy for the souks."
Fodor's Fodor's
"This three-story restaurant in the heart of the medina is a happening place by day and by night, serving both Moroccan and Italian food." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Luca from Milan runs this Med-style cafe with midday snacks served in the serene courtyard in the heart of the Medina" Full review
The Guardian The Guardian
"Café Arabe, Marrakech’s universally loved rooftop bar. It has everything: chilled rosé, an ambient soundtrack, comfy sofas and plenty of shade."
Le Blokk
Le Blokk
8 / 10
Route des Jardins de la Palmeraie Marrakech 40000 Morocco
From $12 /night
Fodor's Fodor's
"Located in the Palmery, outside of town, Le Blokk is well worth the taxi ride."
Frommer's Frommer's
"Be transported back to 1960s Manhattan at this glamorous monochrome lounge, sporting leather walls and photos of jazz legends" Full review