The Restaurant at Enterprise Hotel

The restaurant at Enterprise Hotel is recommended by professional reviewers. Out of 7 reviews that we tracked, 7 praised the restaurant, including Michelin Guide, Lonely Planet and DK Eyewitness.

Enterprise Hotel
7 / 10
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"A pleasant and original restaurant for lunch and dinner"
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The bars and restaurant are all worth a visit (check out the Garden Bar with it's huge ceilings), and there's a decent gym and great business facilities"
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"It features modern design throughout and a first-class restaurant, Sophia’s, with a red dining room"
Frommer's Frommer's
"A zen-inspired spa has opened on the seventh floor and there’s a small gym to work off the excesses of Milan's pasta and pizza restaurants"
Oyster Oyster
"There is a rooftop spa with Turkish bath and hydro-pool along with six different bars and restaurants (including the Wine Cellar for Italian wines)"
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