Le Meridien New Orleans vs Hotel Provincial
Both Le Meridien New Orleans and Hotel Provincial are rated very highly by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Le Meridien New Orleans is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Provincial. Le Meridien New Orleans is ranked #7 in New Orleans with recommendations from 12 reviews like Star Service, Oyster and Travel + Leisure.
Le Meridien New Orleans
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333 Poydras St., New Orleans, LA 70130
From $91 /night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"While we have strong feelings indeed about staying in more New Orleans-appropriate, site-specific accommodations, we cheerfully admit that this is one fun hotel, and what is New Orleans about if not fun?"
Full review
Lonely Planet
"You have to hand it to W – this suave chain does things right."
Full review
"The W New Orleans is a hip upper-middle-range hotel located in the Central Business District, within walking distance of both the French Quarter and the Museum District."
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DK Eyewitness
"This seriously hip hotel has more going for it than design. Rooms have super-luxurious beds and all the electronic amenities."
Star Service
"This 23-story tower of reflecting glass is the trendiest of the bunch, thanks to its uber-contemporary decor and club scene courtesy of Rande Gerber's Whiskey Blue lounge."
Full review
"The W puts the L.A. in Nola. Like its sister hotels, its rooms and lobby boasts striking colors and sharp angles, all of it easy on the eye."
"Attracting the "younger set", these "cutting-edge" digs "close to the French Quarter" provide "luxurious" "fun" with "chic" public spaces and "typical W bars and crowds"."
"This hotel is giddy with ironic design twists, from the waiting bed in the lobby to the mega-size chairs in the sarcastically stocked library."
"This hip property won't disappoint loyal W fans, with its sleek blend of East Coast sophistication and Southern charm."
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Star Service
"Although the room count here is quite high, the hallmark touchpoints and French amenities make a strong impression.
Full review
Hotel Provincial
1024 Rue Chartres, New Orleans, LA 70116
From $119 /night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Pool
- Multilingual
"One of the best hotels in the Quarter if you're looking for somewhere that's memorably authentic, this "real New Orleans" hotel is a nicely secluded option."
Full review
DK Eyewitness
"Popular with business travelers and families, the family-owned Provincial’s rooms have a vintage look, with antiques and exposed brick."
Rough Guide
"This sprawling – yet somehow intimate – place is in a quiet part of the Quarter, with rooms around five peaceful, gaslit courtyards."
Star Service
"Hotel Provincial is located three blocks past Jackson Square and at the French Market—a neighborhood where the Mardi Gras atmosphere never wanes."
Full review
"It is family owned and blends the best of the chains (good prices, reliably comfy rooms and service) with the charms of a small, independent hotel (atmosphere, friendliness and individuality)."
Travel + Leisure
"The Provincial hotel is commonly referred to as one of the more frequently haunted spots in New Orleans."
Full review
"The two-story Hotel Provincial -- with 94 rooms in the historic French Quarter -- is a retreat into old New Orleans."
Full review
"Both the quiet and the terrific service belie its size, so it seems smaller and more intimate than it is."
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Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Behind its stately stucco facade, this hotel fills much of the block with a series of finely restored buildings and a large parking area."
Full review
"It might not equate to a night at the museum, but thanks to its listing on the National Register of Historic Places, everything from the façade to the rooms of Hotel Provincial maintains a wistful sense of yesteryear"