
Cherwell Boathouse Restaurant vs Gee's

Both Cherwell Boathouse Restaurant and Gee's Restaurant are recommended by professional travelers. Overall, Gee's Restaurant scores significantly better than Cherwell Boathouse Restaurant. Gee's Restaurant comes in at #4 in Oxford with recommendations from 4 sources including Lonely Planet, Frommer's and Insight Guides.

Cherwell Boathouse Restaurant
Cherwell Boathouse Restaurant
7 / 10
50 Bardwell Road, Oxford OX2 6ST
From $24 /night
Frommer's Frommer's
"An Oxford landmark on the River Cherwell, this restaurant is owned by Anthony Verdin, who is assisted by a young crew." Full review
8 / 10
61 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PE
From $10 /night
Fodor's Fodor's
"This former florist's shop just north of the town center makes a charming conservatory dining room." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"This massive, Victorian glass conservatory is where Oxford students take their parents when they come to town." Full review
Insight Guides Insight Guides
"One of Oxford’s best and most atmospheric restaurants, serving modern British food, much of it from the owner’s Oxfordshire farm. Live jazz on Sunday evenings."
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Set in a Victorian conservatory, this top-notch restaurant is popular with the visiting parents of university students." Full review
Independent Independent
"With its famous greenhouse – an oasis of souring glass, vintage tiles and olive trees – Gee’s is the city’s most picturesque dining spot at any time of day or season."
Open daily, 12pm-10.30pm.