
Barrio Latino Hotel vs Hotel B&B Playa Del Carmen

Barrio Latino Hotel and Hotel Playa del Karma are both highly recommended by experts. On balance, Hotel Playa del Karma is the choice of most reviewers compared to Barrio Latino Hotel. Hotel Playa del Karma ranks #15 in Playa del Carmen with approval from 2 reviewers like Lonely Planet,

Barrio Latino Hotel
Barrio Latino Hotel
7 / 10
Calle 4 entre Av 15 & Av 10, Colonia Centro Beach Area, Playa del Carmen 77710
From $69 /night
  • Free Internet
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant
  • Free Parking
  • Multilingual
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Oyster Oyster
"Barrio Latino Hotel is a budget-friendly boutique located in the center of Playa del Carmen." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Offers 18 clean rooms with warm, rustic decor, good ventilation, ceiling fans or air-con, tiled floors and hammocks (in addition to beds)" Full review
Hotel B&B Playa Del Carmen
Hotel B&B Playa Del Carmen
7 / 10
Avenida 15 entre calle 12 y 14 manzana 122 lote 9 Centro, Col. Centro entre calles 12 y 14, Playa del Carmen 77710
From $32 /night
  • Free Internet
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Laundy Room
  • Pool
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Oyster Oyster
"The unassuming little Hotel Playa del Karma is a reasonably charming two-and-a-half-pearl option in central Playa del Carmen." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top choice
"The closest you're going to get to the jungle in this town; rooms here face a lush courtyard with a small pool." Full review