Schloss Hellbrunn
7 expert reviews
“A popular spot for outings from Salzburg, this palace dates from the early 17th century and was built as a hunting lodge and summer residence.”
– Frommer's
"Features some lovely frescoes, but it is the surrounding garden that puts the pleasure (and a little pain) back in the notion of a pleasure palace."
"Hellbrunn Park became famous far and wide because of its Wasserspiele, or trick fountains." Full review
"Trick water gardens from 1619 featuring a 200 piece mechanical theater powered by water. " Full review
"The interior of Schloss Hellbrunn is a delight for the senses and well worth a visit, but it's the gardens that visitors flock to see. " Full review
"Although "The Sound of Music"was shot at a handful of places throughout Salzburg, the movie's gazebo scene, where Liesl and Rolf sang "Sixteen Going on Seventeen," was filmed at Schloss Hellbrunn." Full review
"A popular spot for outings from Salzburg, this palace dates from the early 17th century and was built as a hunting lodge and summer residence for Prince-Archbishop Markus Sittikus. The..." Full review