Famiglia Mancini

Top 1% of restaurants in Sao Paulo
8 / 10

4 expert reviews

“This busy little cantina is well loved for both its cuisine and location.”

– Fodor's

BlackBook BlackBook
"A wildly beloved Italian family-style restaurant on the picaresque Rua Avanhandava where the lines are as large as the portions, so come with an expanded stomach."
Frommer's Frommer's
"Many Paulistas love Italian food, and one of the city's most beloved Italian restaurants is the bustling Famiglia Mancini, a noisy cantina downtown with checkered tablecloths that always draws a crowd" Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"This traditional trattoria is one of the city's most atmospheric, with throngs of Chianti fiascos hanging from the ceiling and an old-school family-style Italian ambience." Full review