Don Bosco Guesthouse vs Onederz Sihanoukville
Both hotels are rated very highly by professional reviewers. On balance, Don Bosco Guesthouse ranks marginally higher than Onederz Sihanoukville. Don Bosco Guesthouse ranks #18 in Sihanoukville with recommendations from 1 sources such as Lonely Planet.
Don Bosco Guesthouse
Group 24, Phum 1, Sihanoukville, Cambodia
From $15 /night
- Free Internet
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
- Meeting Rooms
Lonely Planet
"This large, concrete yellow structure, once a brothel, now contains a charming guesthouse where Cambodian students practise hospitality skills they learned over at the Don Bosco Hotel School."
Full review
Onederz Sihanoukville
Golden Lion Traffic Circle, Sihanoukville, Cambodia
From $4 /night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Business Center
Lonely Planet
"The 68 beds have individual reading lamps and luggage lock-boxes, and all dorms are air-conditioned."
Full review