
Top 6% of restaurants in Venice
7 / 10

4 expert reviews

“With a chill vibe, central location, and, perhaps best of all, a student discount, the spicy Greek-inspired pasta dishes...ullah...and falafel...are sure to shake it up.”

– Let's Go

Time Out Time Out
"A friendly, reasonably-priced spot specialising in Arab cuisine, though there are some Greek and Kurdish dishes too." Full review
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"Pick a canalside table at this lovely laidback restaurant for a super-quick canalside lunch, overlooking the Frari church...the Mediterranean cuisine rounds up dishes from Greece to Iran."
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Spice things up at Frary's, a bohemian-spirited bolthole serving up classics from Morocco to the UAE." Full review