The Recommended dishes at Khorasani Restaurant

Most highly recommended dishes at Khorasani Restaurant are referenced by travel writers. Out of 7 publications that we tracked, 3 called out the recommended dishes, including Rough Guide, Time Out and Afar Magazine.

Khorasani Restaurant
8 / 10
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"The wonderful kebabs are prepared ocakbaşı style over a charcoal grill – try the pistachio version (21TL)"
Time Out Time Out
"We recommend the aubergine with yogurt and ‘katmer’ (flat doughy pastry served with buttermilk)"
Afar Magazine Afar Magazine
"Ask most tourism representatives, restaurateurs, and waiters in Old Istanbul to recommend a restaurant, and most will offer Khorasani Ocakbaşı and Kebabhouse"