La Regalade Saint-Honore

Top 1% of restaurants in Paris
7 / 10

5 expert reviews

“Following on from the success of the legendary Régalade, Bruno Doucet's formula is the same, and the food as delicious as ever.”

– Michelin Guide

Zagat Zagat
""Much easier to access" than its cousin in the 14th, this "fabulous modern bistro" centrally located near Les Halles serves the same "wonderful" fare." Full review
BlackBook BlackBook
"La Régalade, that bastion of bistronomy way out on the city's southern edge, now has a central Paris location on the rue Saint-Honoré."
Fodor's Fodor's
"When Bruno Doucet bought the original La Régalade from bistro-wizard Yves Camdeborde, some feared the end of an era." Full review
Time Out Time Out
"The starters were filling enough but we soldier on. The mains are wheeled out, a roast chicken with new potatoes and a slightly less successful moussaka. " Full review