
Restaurant Brunnauer vs Schloss Aigen

Both Schloss Aigen and Restaurant Brunnauer are recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Schloss Aigen is preferred by most professionals compared to Restaurant Brunnauer. Schloss Aigen ranks #3 in Salzburg with accolades from 3 publications including Frommer's, Michelin Guide and Lonely Planet.

Restaurant Brunnauer
Restaurant Brunnauer
8 / 10
Augustinergasse 13 a, Salzburg 5020, Austria
From $11 /night
Concierge Concierge
"Dinner is served at a long, 28-seat communal table, in a cavelike bunker; the menu makes up for the rest of Salzburg's caution with exuberant dishes such as rump of lamb."
Frommer's Frommer's
"This is the trendiest dining post in all of Salzburg." Full review
Fodor's Fodor's
"The repurposed World War II bunker, carved into the side of the Mönchsberg, creates an intimate and unique setting in the cleverly lighted main Kaverne dining room. " Full review
Schloss Aigen
Schloss Aigen
7 / 10
Schwarzenbergpromenade 37, Salzburg A-5026 , Austria
From $0 /night
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
0 Stars
"Highly prized, traditional experience! The pretty rooms exude country charm and the restaurant ist well-known for ist speciality, boiled beef." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"The very few fish and vegetarian options include ricotta and potato ravioli with celery mousse and truffle...most patrons go for the beef. The quality of service is as topnotch as the cooking. " Full review